Angel Yau.

Angel Yau came out of her mother’s vagina not kicking or screaming but quiet as a mouse. The nurse thought she was dead until she smacked Angel’s little butt. That really symbolizes Angel’s personality… Right?

Angel is an actor, comedian, writer, and award-winning filmmaker based out of Queens, New York. She studied film, creative writing, and the ability to laugh at herself at Ithaca College.

After college, she joined the Upright Citizens Brigade theater diving into improv, sketch, storytelling, and videos.  Her closest opportunity to fame was being picked to almost be on a reality TV show, called  “Comic Genius” produced by Happy Madison because of her “non-traditional comic persona.” The show is no longer (was never) in production.

The proudest art she made was a stop-motion animation called “The Artist Inside Me.” It made its way onto a few blogs and festivals. Neatorama was the first to pick it up stating, “As Picasso once supposedly said, ‘All children are born artists. The problem is to remain an artist as we grow up.’  Storyteller Angel Yau created this touching and funny animation about her journey of not becoming an artist. Well, sort of. She’s still an artist in all of our hearts.”

Hopefully, she will always be an artist in everyone’s hearts always.


“I always ask myself, why am I an artist? Why am I a comedian? I’m talking about myself way too much- am I being narcissistic? The creative type will always question their careers, am I really contributing to society?
Yes. It’s our responsibility as artists to make sure no one feels like they’re alone- through art, through music, through story…  
Feeling like you are the only person who feels a certain way in the whole world is scary. It’s okay to talk about yourself. Someone is listening, even if it’s just one person. Even if your story is simply about peeing on yourself in public as an adult. Your story might save someone.
What I’m trying to say is that I peed on myself a lot as an adult and I hope other people have too.”